About Piano Cleveland

Two Breathtaking Performances, Plus a new CD!

June 03rd 2014
Stanislav Khristenko
Stanislav Khristenko in Zankel Hall, Carnegie Hall on May 19

Stanislav Khristenko, winner of the 2013 Cleveland International Piano Competition, captivated audiences in Cleveland and New York for two separate concerts in May. He performed the same repertoire for both performances, a diverse and engaging program that began with Bartók’s tumultuous Piano Sonata, Sz. 80 and ended with Prokofiev’s thundering “Stalingrad” Sonata. Between these two masterworks Stanislav wove a spell over the audience with works by Zemlinsky, Krenek, Lizst, and Chopin. He was rewarded with multiple standing ovations, including at the intermissions, and glowing critical reviews.

The New York concert, held in Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall, was part of Stanislav’s first prize award, along with $50,000 (presented by Mal and Barbara Mixon), a compact disc recording on the Steinway & Sons label, and three years of concert management services. The CD, entitled Fantasies was released to outstanding critical review in early May, and can be purchased from the iTunes store.

Read the outstanding New York Times review of Stanislav’s Carnegie Hall performance here, and one of many great reviews of the new Steinway recording here.


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